Lease and rentals education for a realtor

Status: Open
Nov 02, 2017 Views981 Answer a Question

Where can I get training on leasing homes as an agent. Thanks c webster

Asked by
Realtor Only
About 4 years ago
About 4 years ago
There is someone who needs some guidance and assistance about LEASE AND RENTALS EDUCATION FOR A REALTOR. This person needs to know that from where one can get education regarding leasing homes as an agent. Obviously there would be institutes that would provide such education but it is a bit hard to find out which department or area exactly belongs to it. There are various sources to find out info related to this topic. I need term paper writing service from them. In case you also need to know about it then you can google and it will provide you unlimited answers that would probably be helpful for you. Apart from that, you can also talk to an agent who has some know-how related to the field and he or she will help you in this matter in the best way possible with their experienced knowledge. You can also approach a broker in your area to offer you some helpful info.
About 6 years ago
Thanks for the post and answers. I try to bring value to the more seasoned agents in my office and have managed to pick up a mentor. Having a mentor has been worth while.
About 6 years ago
Dear Charles,

It is mainly on the job training. Learning the forms and contracts can be good start. Another source would be MLS, check the lease listings and what is the process mentioned on those.

Good luck.

Cagdas Acar
Msc PSA Realtor
Phone: 832-283-1091
About 6 years ago
Ask a seasoned Realtor in your office, who does leases to sit down with you for about 30 minutes and do some scenario learning. Know your forms and rental criteria. Ask Questions, most will help! Good Luck !
About 6 years ago
I assume your just starting out. If this is the market you wish to pursue I would: 1) look for a broker who offers training in this area. 2) seek a team and offer your assistance. On the job training is the nature of this beast.

Good Luck
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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