How is it that two remaining levy's on the home I bought last December did not get discovered at my closing.

Status: Open
Dec 19, 2012 Views3,332 Answer a Question

There are two remaining levy's that are being added to my taxes for 2012 due to a homestead cap the previous owners had on the property. How is it that the levy's weren't discovered during our closing and why am I being held responsible for those levy's now.

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Property Taxes
About 2 years ago
Contact the closing title company. You should also consider speaking to a lawyer
About 11 years ago
Contact the title company where you held your closing. They can explain to you how they obtained the tax certificates for this property.
If these Levy's were owed during the period of time this year the sellers held ownership they can work out an arrangement to pay their portion of these taxes. At the closing you and the sellers signed a form that stipulated that if the prorated taxes due at year end differed from the amount calculated at the closing then the buyer can contact the seller for the discrepancy.
The escrow officer and your Realtor can assist you with this matter.
About 11 years ago
I assume you closed at a title company and title insurance was purchased on the sale of the property. Title companies usually find and clear up any liens at closing and if they are unable to clear them, they will not issue title insurance. Your title will be insured up to the sale price you paid if something was missed. This is the reason you purchase title insurance.

You should call your title company right away and if they are not able to resolve your issue, call an attorney.
About 11 years ago
This is something that should have been disclosed to you. I would contact the Title company and have them take care of this.
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