Best Real Estate Broker for NEW agent?

Status: Open
Jan 12, 2022 Views1,089 Answer a Question

Hello, my name is Carla and I am currently a student to become a Real Estate Agent. I am in the beginning stages of school, but I am just wondering what are the best brokers to start off with, meaning training / mentors who are willing to help educate me. I would greatly appreciate all advice and opinions. Thank you!

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About 1 year ago
A broker willing to mentor, train, and provide structure would be the best for new agents. You don't have to use a big-name brand broker to have those tools. If this is a career change, then you want to be the agent with the tools to grow your business in any market. A broker that is willing and able to train and guide you to grow your small business is worth everything. Also, ask and see the culture of the brokerage. If there are too many new agents, that might be a red flag. Ask about the splits, floor time, and what they are doing to innovate with changing demographics and technology. Ask a ton of questions!
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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