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Setting the stage for a successful sale

There are some aspects of a home you can’t change. Location, lot size and the year built come to mind. Other features fall into the category of things you can modify at great expense and hassle, like adding a second story or replacing all the flooring. And then there are those little touches that don’t cost much—maybe nothing but a little time—that can make a big difference in the impression your home makes on first-time visitors. These are the items you want to tackle when you decide to put your home on the market.
An objective opinion can do wonders
You probably know many steps you can take to make your home more attractive to would-be buyers. Keep the yard mowed and trimmed, add some seasonal color, put a fresh coat of paint on the front door, and you’ll be on your way to boosting the ever-important curb appeal of your property. Inside the home, be diligent with cleaning chores and putting things away so the house will look its best whenever a buyer shows up. 
But you can take the presentation of your home even further—and you should if you want to give yourself the best chance to sell it quickly and for the highest possible price. That’s where home staging comes in. Staging helps you make the home more appealing to the widest possible audience. 
One way to think of it is that all homes for sale are staged; some poorly, some adequately, and some with a flair that showcases a home at its absolute best. Properties in this last category are the type buyers get excited about the moment they drive up—and often decide they want to make an offer on before they leave. 
Staging works best when someone with a practiced eye evaluates your home to give you tips to make it more saleable. Why not just make a few changes on my own, you may ask? Certainly, you should do what you can to improve your property’s appearance. But most people have a hard time seeing their own home with the detachment necessary to make good staging decisions. You may think your wall filled with family photos shows the nice personal touch of a loving home. But a home stager can objectively point out that such a display makes it that much harder for prospective buyers to picture themselves living in the home.
Where do you find an expert?
Your Realtor may have experience staging homes. At the very least, they will have some suggestions to get you started. They also may have a list of staging professionals for you to consider hiring. As with hiring other professionals, you can ask friends for referrals, and you should inquire about the stager’s references (and follow up to find out if those people were happy with the service). Also, make sure to ask the home stager about fee structures, what services they will provide, and if they will give you a free estimate for staging your property.
Staging is not the same as decorating
What kinds of advice does home staging cover? It may involve removing some of your furnishings, making changes to the décor, or moving some furniture around. Some stagers may bring in new furniture or suggest accessories that can make a difference. You might get advice about painting a room a different color. 
But remember this: Staging your home is not the same as decorating it. When you hire someone to help decorate your home, that person should take into account your preferences and lifestyle. When it comes to staging a home, though, it’s all about helping potential buyers focus on the property’s best features while minimizing the less attractive ones. Knowing that, you shouldn’t get offended if the home stager recommends changes to the master bedroom that you spent so long getting just the way you like it. 
It’s not about you anymore; it’s about the people who will consider buying your home. And the better the impression your house makes on buyers, the closer you will be to making a sale.  
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