Housing Market

7,558 Posts
Houston Home Sales Gain Momentum in March
23 April, 2024| Housing Market
Spring has arrived, bringing with it the promise of renewal and growth, and nowhere is this more evident than in the Greater Houston housing market. As the curtains rose on the spring homebuying seaso... read more
Does That Come With The House?
23 April, 2024| Home Buying, Education, Housing Market
When you walk through a beautifully staged home, it’s hard not to fall in love with everything you see—from the strategic layout to the sleek furnishings. But remember, not al... read more
Yes, We Are Still in a Seller's Market - Remember...
23 April, 2024| Housing Market, Home Selling, General
Despite the housing market calming from its previous fervor, despite the interest rates, and despite the sky's falling, it remains a seller's domain due to the scarcity of available homes for sale. T... read more
Foreclosure Numbers Are Nothing Like the 2008 Cras...
22 April, 2024| Houston Living, Housing Market, Home Selling
Here’s the latest information stacked against the historical data to put your mind at ease. The Headlines Make the Increase Sound Dramatic – But It’s Not The increase the media is c... read more
Baby Boomers' Relocation Trend: A Gradual Shift Ra...
22 April, 2024| Active Adults (Age 55+), General, Housing Market
Baby Boomers' Relocation Trend: A Gradual Shift Rather Than a Sudden Surge Have you heard the term “Silver Tsunami” getting tossed around recently? If so, here’s what you really nee... read more
Mondays with Marnie Don't Chase
22 April, 2024| Housing Market, Houston Living, Luxury Homes
I love a good motivational video and recently came across this one from Denzel Washington. I thought you may enjoy it too. Here is a link to watch it: WATCH IT HERE There are two things you should n... read more
5738 Indigo Ridge Court - 5 Bedroom Home for Sale...
22 April, 2024| Housing Market, Neighborhoods & Communities, Reloc...
Hi friend. Jordan here, your favorite resource and realtor. Today we are featuring some of our favorite homes for sale right now in Spring, TX. The home at 5738 Indigo Ridge Court, is 5 bedrooms, 3 f... read more
Staging To Sell
22 April, 2024| Home Selling, Home Marketing, Housing Market
A little can go a long way, which goes double for staging your home to sell. After the house is clean and decluttered, it’s time to take your home staging to the next level. Preparing your home... read more
Why You Need a Realtor in Your Corner for New Cons...
22 April, 2024| Home Builders, Home Buying, Housing Market
So you've set your sights on a brand new home – shiny appliances, no fixer-upper headaches. But before you head straight to the builder's sales office, consider this: having a Realtor by your si... read more
Understanding the Difference Between a Seller's an...
22 April, 2024| Luxury Homes, Home Buying, Housing Market
Seller vs. Buyer's Market in Luxury Real Estate: Key DifferencesNick Chambers, Global Real Estate Advisor FREE - Schedule Your Client Consultation TodayContact Me Today ~ Email Me / Text Us Unders... read more
Unlocking Opportunities: Lakewood Grove
19 April, 2024| Home Selling, Housing Market
In Lakewood Grove, the real estate market is alive with promise and potential. Here's a snapshot of recent developments and why now is the perfect time to consider making your move: New Listings on th... read more
DON'T Invest in Real Estate Without Knowing These...
19 April, 2024| Housing Market, Houston Living, Home Selling
Investing in real estate is a significant commitment that requires a solid understanding of the market, especially as we move into 2024. Here are seven critical things you must know before diving into... read more
Are you Paying Rent?
19 April, 2024| Housing Market, Relocation & Newcomer, Home Values...
If you are paying rent you are building someone else's wealth. Why not build your own? Let's be honest. Renting these days is expensive. If you rent a house for $2000 you are shelling out $24... read more
Navigating Houston's Housing Market in 2024
19 April, 2024| Housing Market
In recent times, the Houston housing market has seen its fair share of fluctuations. With interest rates shifting, home prices fluctuating, and various economic factors at play, prospective homebuyers... read more
Identify Housing Trends in Your Top Neighborhood
18 April, 2024| Housing Market
Understanding and negotiating the real estate market, where housing trends and areas change over time, is essential. Whether you're thinking about buying a new house, making an investment, or just rem... read more