
10,054 Posts
How Do I Find a Home with Seller Financing?
20 January, 2010| Home Buying, Mortgage & Finance, Education
How do I find a home with seller financing?   You can find a home with seller financing by searching the MLS,  looking at the classifieds or online for owner financed houses, fin... read more
FHA Changes Underwriting / Approval Guidelines
20 January, 2010| Home Buying, Mortgage & Finance, Education
FHA, under pressure to shore up it's mortgage insurance reserve fund, has made the following changes to their underwriting / approval guidelines: The Upfront MIP has increased from 1.75% to 2.25%.... read more
What's the magic credit score today?
19 January, 2010| Mortgage & Finance, General, Education
This is an interesting article from the NY Times magazine regarding credit scores and mortgages.  According to the article, the preferred # has dropped a bit. read more
Persistence - continued...
15 January, 2010| Home Selling, General, Education
Persistence - continued...Doesn't that rather say it all :)Below is a quote that I really like.  In starting a new year I think it is important to revisit things we know but may have not thought... read more
Handy Hint for Home Improvement
15 January, 2010| Home Improvements & Repair, Home Selling, Educatio...
When your walk into your bathrooms, are your eyes immediately drawn to the tub or shower caulking because it's peeling or dirty, or maybe even completely gone?  This is something that is cheap an... read more
Have you ever considered investing in real estate?
14 January, 2010| Home Buying, Education, Houston Living
Have you ever considered investment real estate?  There are a lot of questions that go along with it.  Do you need to be a repairman or contractors?  How do you find a great tenant?&nbs... read more
FREE Class for Home Buyers Feb. 9 in Pearland
13 January, 2010| Home Buying, Education
ROSE KING, a Top-Producer with Texas United Brokers Realty, is teaching a FREE Class for Homebuyers at the Pearland Public Library on Tuesday, February 9 at 7 p.m. The library is located at 3522 Lib... read more
The Best Food You Aren't Eating
13 January, 2010| Green Living, General, Education really has nothing to do with Real Estate.  However, if we intend to continue our careers as Realtors, we need... read more
Got an I-Phone?
12 January, 2010| Home Selling, General, Education bought an I-Phone last year and I just love it.  There are several Apps you can get that apply to Real E... read more
There Are More Opportunities In Real Estate Market...
10 January, 2010| Affordable Housing, Foreclosures & Investments, Ed...   True, the last few years have been a time of great economic turmoil. Over the course of... read more
10 January, 2010| Affordable Housing, Foreclosures & Investments, Ed...
  The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America ("NACA") is a non-profit, community advocacy and homeownership organization. NACA’s primary goal is to build strong, healthy neighborhoods... read more
What you can do to improve your credit!
6 January, 2010| Home Buying, Mortgage & Finance, Education
      Credit scores, along with your overall income and debt, are big factors in determining whether you’ll qualify for a loan and what your loan terms will be. So, keep your... read more
"Persistence Pays Off"
6 January, 2010| Housing Market, General, Education
Excuse me for a moment while I step on my soapbox...I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing nothing but negative news.  It's everywhere.  It's in every walk of life. ... read more
Tips on Avoiding Home Damage Frozen Pipes
6 January, 2010| Home Improvements & Repair, General, Education
It's cold in Kingwood right now and going to get colder.  Just in case you need a few tips on avoiding home damage from frozen please feel free to visit the TDI website at http://www.tdi.state.tx... read more
Let Me and Uncle Sam upgrade you!
4 January, 2010| Home Buying, Home Selling, Education
I have decided to start looking for a home myself, I cannot pass up these incentives that will not last forever. Of course your credit has to show you are trustworthy and responsible not only to yours... read more