i note that under view antalytics tab there is a category for favorites. Can I access/see who has saved as a favorite for purpose of a lead follow upi?

Status: Closed
Dec 11, 2023 Views213 Answer a Question

About 5 months ago
All great answers here. Also if you are a Listing agent and need to take the house off the market for whatever reason and then relist it as new, remember to communicate with those who saved your Listing in favorites before you take it off the market. When you relist the house as new you loose all those connections from the original listing. Best of luck!
About 5 months ago
Hi Scott, All of the above is correct! Remember to use the reverse prospecting list to reach out to Agents to remind them of their buyers interested in your listing, this is a very good prospecting tool and Agents love to receive the resource. Also, check your bookmarks daily in case you missed the Har.com Lead email that was sent to you. Good luck!
MLS Search Criteria
About 5 months ago
Hi Scott, those leads that bookmark your listing publicly on HAR you won't be able to see their names and emails but you can send them a message, invite them to your open house, notify them of price reductions etc. If you go to the bookmarked leads link on the agent dashboard - search in members-only area for leads and you'll see it. You can download this list into excel but that doesn't do you any good but you'll see an email envelope, if you click on it, you can send an email to these leads and copy yourself so you see what your email looked like to them. Good luck!
#1 Awarded – Best Answer
About 5 months ago
Scott! Yes, well sort of! There are two ways here: 1. On your actual listing in Matrix, there is a tab at the bottom entitled "Reverse Prospect." When you select that, you will be able to see which agents have clients who have selected your listing as a favorite or even a possibility. The agent's emails are right beside that so that you can reach out! Now on the public side of HAR, consumers and agents alike have the ability to select a listing as a favorite also! These are stored under your "Bookmark Leads." You can locate these by going to your Members only Portal dashboard and searching the word "Bookmark." When you see Bookmark Leads populate from the dropdown menu, select it, and it will take you to your listings. Then you will select your listing and the leads will populate! The email addresses are partially redacted for privacy, BUT you can still message them directly from your account! Feel free to give me a shout anytime! codysellsproperty@gmail.com 346-412-6603
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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