Utility electrical poles near lot

Status: Open
Sep 22, 2016 Views2,892 Answer a Question

We like a house in Aliana/Richmond that has power distribution lines in the back. The wires go over the property ( 2 feet in ). There is a pole in the neighbor's yard. Distance from the back patio to the property line is around 70 feet. Are there any health impacts? Would this cause problems at resale time? I read online that such properties could sell at 10% lower than similar homes in the neighborhood that do not have the poles/wires.

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Home Buying
About 7 years ago
1) Yes it will make it harder to sale but the pole is not in your yard so it is not that bad. It will take longer to sale and will sell for less. On the other side if you buy it for much less, it is a wash.
2) Regarding the HSE issue, for sure they comply with current law. Does this mean it is safe for your health? It is your own judgement.

Aliana has a lot of other houses, why don't you find another one?
About 7 years ago
Hello Praveen. Realtors do not have information on "health issues" regarding power lines near homes. You can Google the topic and read a lot about it on-line. I have found some Buyers do not want to purchase homes with power lines in their yards. Typically not a health issues, just something they don't wish to view. That being said, no way for us to know if your value would go down "10%". In fact, it may have no bearing at all on the value of the home. When you sell and availability of homes for sale, floor plan, condition, etc will likely have a larger impact on your sales price then those power lines. Keep in mind many older, and very expensive, neighborhoods in Houston have overhead electrical distribution to ALL of the homes in the neighborhood and I don't think those lines effect their values. You can always plant something in between the pole and the house to block the view. Buyers that are looking need to remember to look at the "BirdEye" view under maps of each home for sale and there they can typically see if power poles and lines are present. Let us know if you need more information. Mark McNitt, Bernstein Realty 832-567-4357
About 7 years ago
Hi Praveen,

I am not an expert in the potential health & safety risks of living near power lines. However, in answer to the question about the resale of the home, I can tell you that if it's something that is causing you to stop and question the purchase of the property, Buyers will be doing the same when you go to sell the property. Unfortunately, this isn't something you are going to be able to change, meaning I would definitely factor this into your decision process.

Hope this helps!

Darby Grimmett / KW / darby@darbygrimmett.com / 936-827-9217
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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