How Do You Do It All?

Hi guys! It's been a minute. I have been a very busy young lady and very productive if I must say so myself. Hope all is well with you! I was in Walmart on yesterday resting on a bench due to nausea and weakness after starting a 7-day detox and encountered a young lady that sparked a conversation from rings, to marriage, to entrepreneurship. She was single with no children which led her to pose the question, " how do you do it all?" I responded with God, support from family, planning, and consistency. Then I whipped out my planner and showed her exactly what I was talking about.

We finished conversing and said our goodbyes once my little men approached to say they were hungry. I have been asked this questions many times before, but that day I really thought about how busy my life had become and how crazy I would be without those things mentioned earlier. So , I wanted to share them with you in case you find yourself wondering how to get it all done whether its parenting, cooking, school, work, family, hanging out time, a hectic schedule, or whatever it is. As I have stated before, I have been reading a lot more lately and gaining insight from like-minded professionals no matter the field you are in. What I gathered from all my research is that most successful people are success-oriented, self-starters that possess the following characteristics which are totally aligned with mine. (So, I figure I'm not completely crazy and must be on the right track)
  • An awesome work ethic
  • Persistence
  • A positive perspective
Work ethic requires hard work and self-discipline. This requires a definitive plan of action and consistency. So, a written business plan, goals, a calendar are a MUST. I just bought a planner from Targets, but you can write it on a piece of paper. I also use post it notes with affirmations on them stuck to my mirror/dresser to read while getting dressed. Nonetheless, write your goals down, use a calendar to track EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING b/c if you're anything like me you may forget your head if it wasn't screwed on sometimes lol, and plan time for yourself, hanging out, the kiddos (pets too), or anything. Next on the list is persistence. I know sometimes the light is EXTREMELY dim at the end of the tunnel, or the storm seems to never end, but practice makes perfect right. You teach a baby to potty train by continuously making them use the pot, giving rewards when they do and consequences when they don't. It's no different for yourself. Stick to your goals, cross off to-do tasks in your planner, and reward the mini accomplishments along the way ( in the words of Lisa Nichols.....Abundance Now) Lastly, a positive perspective is a process not an event. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING! My mom used to say, " your attitude will determine your altitude" and I now truly understand what she meant. Negative thinking causes negative actions and will not get you very far. A positive mindset creates opportunities and accepts goodness. This is where those positive affirmations on post it notes come to play. See it, write it, speak it, think it! And please know that none of this is possible without the creator, GOD!!!!!! So, pray without ceasing! TTYL!

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