Finances - Efficiency in saving YOUR money

Planning for a trip? Future Investment? Got Big Visions, but not enough money to create them? Fear not, you are among many people who, like you, have problems and distractions that prevent you from saving enough money for those "Big Dreams." In a short list, we've listed some of the top ideas that are easy to maintain and perform, so that you may go on that trip you've always dreamed about! 

- Move bank accounts to take advantage of perks and earn more interest. If you're paying a monthly fee for your checking or savings account, you would benefit from researching some of the newest banking offers out there. 

- Don't spend big money entertaining your children. Most children, especially young ones, can be entertained very cheaply. For example, buy them an end roll of newspaper from your local paper and let their creativity run wild. Play ball in the backyard. Head to the park. Plant a garden. 

- Avoid convenience foods and fast food. Instead of eating fast food or just nuking some prepackaged dinner when you get home, try making some simple and healthy replacements that you can take with you. An hour's worth of preparation one weekend can leave you with a ton of cheap and easy dinner and snack options for the following week. 

- Quit using credit cards. If you have a habit of getting into trouble with credit cards, hide your credit cards and keep them in a safe place in your home, not in your wallet. If you need to keep a card for emergencies, that's okay. Just don't carry it around with you. If you're often tempted to use it, keeping your card "out of sight and out of mind" might help. 

- Buy used when you can. You can often find the exact item you want with a bit of clever shopping at used equipment stores, used game stores, consignment shops, and so on. Just make these shops a part of your normal routine - go there first when looking for potential items and you will save money. 

This article is for information, illustrative and entertainment purposes only and does not purport to show actual results. It is not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular investment action.

Categories: Mortgage & Finance
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