How to buy a house...

How to buy a house...
When you Google "how to buy a house" you only get to the word "how". It is the first result after the ads for online financing! It is a Wiki list and it isn't too bad! Number one is to check your financing. (I will come back to that)

The second section is call a real estate agent! The article says to explain your timeline and be tireless in telling them your situation and what you want and expect from them! I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!! Read, interview, call references, meet with them at their office. Make sure that this person that will help you with your biggest purchase can work with you! I love to meet people here or visit on the phone. Whatever method of communication you feel most comfortable with, just do it!

Back to the first part... The financing of the house; get a list from the Realtor. We work with them every day. It is very complex and now that things changed last October, the process is even more difficult and takes longer. This step will be much smoother with help from your management team! That's right, you are basically working with a "Real Estate Management Team" I love this term! It is really the core of it all! 

You have a job, or two! You have a family, or two! LOL I take care of my family and my mother's family! We all live complex and wonderful lives! Real Estate is not a hobby. It is a full time career and craft that takes years to develop. My personal career has been 17 years and I now own the original company I worked for!

I can't help everyone but I can help to point you in the right direction! If you have a question, all you have to do is ask.

Make your day a good one!

Roslyn Barnes


Categories: Home BuyingHousing MarketEducation
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