Spring Cleaning

If you were to Google “spring cleaning,” you would get about 22 million+ results! There is a lot of help out there on the world wide web, but sometimes it just takes rolling up your sleeves and getting down to it!

Most people have a closet, attic or garage that could use some clearing out. Removing things you don’t need, use or want is a good way to declutter your home as well as your mind and enjoy your environment. Try not to get overwhelmed or bogged down though, choose an area to focus on and pace yourself.

It’s a good idea to sort the items as you work to clear them out. Set aside an area for those things that have value if you want to have a garage sale, another section for donation and one more that just needs to go away. For those who wish to sell unwanted items, there are several upcoming local garage sale opportunities listed below. Donating items is easy, there are many charities and donation centers around the area, and some will even come and pickup from your front door. For things that just need to go, check to see when your local “heavy trash day” is and make sure to get them out to the curb early!

I’ve often heard the phrase “a place for everything and everything in it’s place,” and it’s so true! If something has a “home” and it goes back to it’s home after you use it - every time, then the house remains tidy. Getting the whole household involved makes it a group effort and easier for everyone in the long run.

Area garage sales:
Cinco Ranch High School - March 24, 7am - 12pm

KAPOM Garage Sale - March 24, 8am - 12pm
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