Is Your Vacation Rental Ready For Winter Guests?

Here is a quick checklist for anyone managing a vacation rental this winter:

· Inspect, Repair, and Maintain Heating Systems – Before temperatures drop, hire a professional to inspect and adjust heating systems. Replace filters to increase efficiency.

· Seal Drafts and Insulate – Short term tenants will want to stay warm and don’t care about your heating bills. An afternoon spent weatherstripping or caulking can save hundreds of dollars each month. Also consider adding extra insulation to the attics, walls, or basements to keep the warm air inside.

· Have Clear Expectations – Leave clear instructions for guests. Discuss how to protect pipes from freezing, how to report issues if they arise, and have an emergency contact available at all times. Explain how to turn off water properly, if necessary, and any other precautions required.

· Hire A Snow Removal Company – If your property gets snow (unlikely here in Houston, but still useful), make sure the property is clear of snow and ice. Hire an ongoing service to check on a regular basis and after snowfall to protect the guests from injury caused by slipping.

Always make sure you have adequate liability insurance as well. Winter can cause its own share of challenges for vacation rentals. Proper preparation and maintenance will ensure your vacation rental is a money-maker and not a money-pit this winter.

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