Houston Will Feel Like Anchorage This Week

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You have your grocery list, your presents list, and this week you will want to have your temperature drop list.  Cold weather is predicted this week including a drop into the under 20 degrees category!

1.  Keep your gas tank topped off this week  - When you run low on gas, your fuel pump can begin sucking in air. This can cause the pump to heat up to a dangerous level or fail over time, resulting in expensive repairs. A full tank is also preferred when you need to stay warm while waiting in your car.

2.  If you have a pool, you will want to run your pool pump to circulate the water and keep the lines from freezing.  Pool companies are still stretched thin due to all of the new pools being installed since the summer of 2020. You will not want to be on the wait list needed pool repairs because you did not turn on your pool pump this week.

3. Many of us lost palm trees over the last few years every time there was a freeze.  Bring in portable plants and cover the others. Ace Hardward, Plants for All Seasons, Cornelius Nursery, and Calloways can advise you on how to cover your plants. 

4. If you are leaving town, turn off the water supply to your home.  I well remember my buyer in February of 2021 having to wait to close due to damage of flooding when the seller's house was vacant, and the water was left on. 

5. Leave the heat in your home turned on to protect the interior waterlines. 

6. Insulate your outdoor water lines including irrigation lines. 

7. Bring in pets or provide shelter for livestock.

Categories: GeneralEducationHome Safety
Local: Cypress North
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