Houston Housing Market How to Win in a Multiple offer situation!!!!

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Houston Housing Market is off to a fast start. If you have been watching the market as I have, I am sure you are seeing homes flying off the shelves quicker than toilet paper at the beginning of the pandemic. I spoke to one of my contractors this morning and he is seeing price increases on his side as well, up to 3xs on electrical items and lumber prices are through the roof. With things starting to settle down and we are moving into our new normal its been full speed ahead in the real estate market.

How to win?
Reduce the Sellers Risk and Increase their net is KEY to WINNING a multiple offer situation!!
I had 3 buyers go up against a total of 28 offers and we won all 3. Not by going 100k over listing price as some agents would tell you is the only way to win a home in certain areas but by walking them through what a low risk, high net offer looks like and building a rapport with the listing agent on the other side of the deal out of the gate. Believe it or not that agent plays a HUGE part in the sellers decision.

If you arent winning in todays market, give me call and let me walk you through what a winning offer looks like.
Here to help.

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