Preparing to Sell Your Home - Part 4

Wow! You have done a lot of work in Steps 1-3 getting your home ready to sell.
Step 4 is all about staging your home while still living in it during a sale.
Pictures were already addressed in the cleaning step, but if there are other personal affects that should be removed, do this now.
Do not leave prescription medication, keys, money, etc. sitting out where someone walking through could take it. Yes, people have been known to steal items from the sellers home. Dont make it easy.
After removing valuable or personal items, the next thing to do is address each room.
If a closet is small, remove any clothing you will not be wearing before the move. (Yes, this was mentioned in the cleaning step, but bears noting again.) If even a large closet is unorganized or clothes are crowded in, the potential buyer may not feel there is adequate space for their things.
Many times just removing a piece of furniture or two from a room will make the room seem larger. If an item is not a necessity for the seller during selling (such as extra tables, bookcases, etc.), put them in storage or store them away.
Another way to make a room seem larger while also brightening the home is to paint the walls a neutral, clean color. Dark walls convey a room as smaller than it is. If this isnt possible, be sure to wipe out window sills, clean the windows, wash the wall around the light switch, and replace any missing or burned out bulbs.
What makes a kitchen feel small? Clean off the counters if possible. Even a galley kitchen will look larger if the toaster, coffee grinder, mixer, and other appliances are put away and not taking up counter space. Remove photos, menus, calendars, etc. from the front of the fridge that also clutter up the space.
Put away anything that is not needed in the restroom from under the sink, out of the medicine cabinet, and off the counter. Nothing makes a restroom look as small and cluttered as having make-up, hair products, blow dryers, curling/flat irons, magazines, and misc. items laying out.
By this time you get the idea: do not have excess in the home. Yes, it might be comfy and cozy for you, but it needs to be in a condition that the person buying it can envision their things in the home.
Now on to staging.
Walk into a room and look around.
Is the room bright and clean? You may have to remove the drapes or curtains and just have blinds (that you have cleaned) so that the room gives an airy, open look.
Is the furniture laid out in a way that allows a smooth flow moving from room to room?
Less is more.
Remove most books and knick-knacks off shelves. Dust/clean the shelves and replace only a few books and neutral items.
Make the bed(s) daily.
It is said that restrooms and kitchens are what make the sale. Make sure both are kept clean and ready to be shown.
Dry out the shower or tub after bathing and open the shower curtain before leaving for a showing. People are going to pull it back anyway. Leaving it open makes the restroom appear larger, too.
Dont leave dishes in the sink. Wipe down the stove, counters, and refrigerator before heading out. A clean kitchen will go far in a sale.
I hope these four pieces I have written will help you in preparing your home for the sale. Hopefully, it will also bring your a better offer.
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