The Costs of Moving


There are plenty of costs that you need to account for when you’re looking to move. On top of the usual mortgage, you should keep these three costs in mind.


Remember taxes

Compare property taxes on the new place to yours. Will you be paying more? Less? Exemptions and appraisal caps may vary, so make sure you know what kind of expenses to plan for.


Area memberships

Some homes are a part of a homeowners association. If you’re moving to one of these areas, don’t forget about the fees involved in the membership. They cover amenities, but can also add up to a significant amount each year.


Save your energy

If you’re moving into a bigger home, you’ll have bigger energy and electricity bills. To get a good idea of what budget you should set for these, you can contact the energy company that services the area or ask the current owners to provide you with copies of past bills.


I can help you figure out all of your costs (including mortgage) and help you determine an appropriate budget for your new home.



Article Citation: Lowe, Ward. “3 expenses other than the mortgage you need to be able to afford.” Texas Association of Realtors. February 13, 2015. Retrieved February 14, 2015 from:
Picture Citation:

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