To Show or Not to Show ....That is the question....

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I am still amazed at the look of amazement every so often when I take a lead, meet them at a chosen listing to show for a first time - and thus introduce myself as Me.  It is usually a predictable outcome on these showings - Mr. Buyer drove by - called the number on the sign - gets my office - I am the one who takes the call and then I start my adventure into the world of Mr. Buyer's Labryinth. 90% of the time on these showings - the buyer does not like the house -and of course starts the dialogue of, "What else can we see and when?"  It is after these words of course that any experienced agent - or agent that has been burned a time or two in the first few months of his career, and has since wised up a notch that will simply say those Ten little words, "Can you sign this Buyer's Representation so we can proceed?" It is then that Mr. Buyer looks at you and silently demands, "Whatchu talk'n about Willis?" 

No - this is not a cruel flashback to the 80's - but rather the true defining moment when an agent knows whether he is dealing with a window shopper/ A.K.A. bored or nosey neighbor - or a true buyer who will eventually lead to a fabulous trip to Disney Land with a strong closing commission. 

The Buyer's Representation is truly a tool that separates a strong and confident agent from those fish fresh out of water - or real estate school...and whether it is a Right of Passage that all new agents must experience or simply lack of due diligence on the agent's part - having a potential client sign a Buyer's Representation is the strongest defining moment an agent can have when deciphering between customer or client - and remember - a customer is there for the moment - not the long haul.

Now - who wants to start preparing for that trip to Disney Land?  Sign - sign - sign!


Kelley T.

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