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About Me

Tory Ramirez chose Real Estate as a profession to make possible the brightest future for his family. He gets closer to that goal every day by going above and beyond to give each of his clients the excellent care and attention he feels they deserve. He succeeds with a magnetic personality and abilities that include patience, honesty, tenacity, and extreme diplomacy. His deep knowledge of the Real Estate process gained from working in new construction in Houston's Inner Loop and with all types of people and brokerages, positions him to attain the best possible deals for his clients − who happen to be mostly first-time home buyers and millennials like himself.

Before becoming a Realtor, Tory was a warehouse manager for five years, a role that requires people skills, the aptitude to handle logistics and an understanding of the employees under your care. He attended Prairie View A&M University where he concentrated in Communications Studies. Among his achievements, he counts selling the childhood home he grew up in as the most significant.

Tory is a military "brat" who was born at Cannon Air Force Base in New Mexico. His close-knit family includes his father, a veteran, and his mother and brother who is studying to be a Realtor. His parents, who both work for the VA Medical Center in Houston, have had the greatest influence on his life with 100% support and the "most optimistic personalities I've ever encountered." In his spare time, Tory reads, writes, works out, and volunteers for various organizations as a member of Legends Do Live, founded by his classmate. The experience has given him a stronger sense of self-worth and understanding making him an overall better person with whom to be around and work.