Contact Info

Greatland Living
9027 Laverne Crescent Dr., Houston, TX 77080
Phone: (832) 640-4646
Fax: (832) 217-3129
Send Email (832) 640-4646

About Me

I'm a proud Vietnamese American who has called Houston home for over 40 years. With more than 15 years in the real estate business, I've cultivated deep roots in this vibrant community and established myself as a trusted name in the industry.

My life revolves around my beautiful family with two young children who mean the world to me. I find immense joy in traveling with them and cherishing every moment we spend together.

When it comes to my clients, they're more than just business associates they're an extension of my family. I take pride in treating them with the same care and consideration I give to my closest friends. For me, real estate isn't just about transactions; it's about nurturing enduring relationships. My goal is to serve as a reliable resource for all my clients, offering guidance and unwavering support throughout their real estate journey