Contact Info

Prompt Realty & Mortgage, Inc
920 FM 1092 Ste 205 A, Stafford, TX 77477
Phone: (234) 567-9909
Fax: (832) 201-0515
Send Email (234) 567-9909

About Me

With over two decades of experience as a top realtor, John W. Varghese knows the Texas real estate market like few others. Possessing deep insight into all things real estate and the vagaries of the regional market, John is both tenacious and highly-persuasive, while being adept at getting the best possible deal for his buyers and sellers.

Over the years, John has worked closely with a range of commercial and residential property investors and developers, quickly building a reputation of being considered among the region's top achievers and an ever-expanding list of satisfied customers.
John was awarded Top Producer Sienna Plantation for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 and elected No. 1 Producer for Johnson Development Company in 2008. The same year he was also the Top Producer in Riverstone.

John is a multi-talented personality with a passion for charitable missions. Away from the work environment he is keenly involved in various humanitarian initiatives to aid the less fortunate across the world.

John began his philanthropic efforts as a member of Surgical Volunteers International's surgical missions across the globe, helping free medical care to those who can't afford it. He then founded Let Them Smile Again, a charitable organization that specialized in medical and relief missions to trouble spots in the Third World. The organization has been organizing a series of relief and medical initiatives in various disadvantaged community with the help of medical and surgical professionals from the world over.