Yellow School-Mdpc

Direction11612 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX, 77024

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The Yellow School is part of the Children's Ministry of MemorialDrive Presbyterian Church serving children 3 years old throughkindergarten. Using developmentally appropriate activities ina loving, nurturing environment, the children learn all the skillsnecessary for future educational success. We give thechildren ...Read more ↓

School Summary

Private School
Grade Span
11612 Memorial Dr, Houston, TX, 77024
(713) 784-0820
School boundary map anomalies in street representation can and do occur, please contact the school directly using the number listed above.

Detail Information

School Information

Year Founded 1974
Student Body Co ed
Religious Affiliations Christian
School Memebership National Association for the Education of Young Children
Total Student 92
Total Teacher 10
Teacher Student Ratio 9:1

Student Statistics

Pre-K 34
Kindergarten 11

School Finder Site Map