1 Languages
3 Culture
Vietnam Japan China
1 Certifications

About Mindy Buivantri

As a Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist & bilingual in Vietnamese, Mindy Buivantri can help you in a number of ways as you work though this probate process. She takes personal interest in each property listed and focus on the best interest for the estate. She has relationships with attorneys, contractors, haulers, movers, appraisers, professional organizers, CPAs, and financial planners to name a few, she can also put you in touch with whatever service providers you may need in preparing the property for rental or sale or even for your own personal residence, if you decide to live in it. Mindy can provide you with guidance, advice, clarity and support when you are feeling confused or overwhelmed. She can help you with any decisions you have to make, regardless of what they are. She has over 22 years experience in Real Estate, both with real estate sales and the court process. And lastly, but certainly not least, she can help you sort out any messy entanglements with others that frequently arise in situations of this type. You may already know by now that this probate process can be extremely stressful.

Service is and has always been her #1 product.


Houston Association of REALTORS®

Additional Languages spoken by Mindy Buivantri

  • Vietnamese

Additional Cultures known by Mindy Buivantri

Vietnam Japan China
