Tips to Improve Your Credit

Tips on Helping People Improve Their Credit Scores


Purchasing a home is the largest investment that most people undertake in their lifetimes. Since credit scores are a very important factor in determining what terms the buyer would receive on the financing in the purchase of a home, homebuyers should know what they can do to improve their credit scores.

The first thing one must do is to get his credit scores from the three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Trans Union, as there are three different scores. Each of these bureaus has slightly different information on everyone since they sort of compete for the information. Hopefully, the scores are similar or grouped. Scores of 650, 660 and 640 are similar and would indicate no major discrepancies. However, scores of 650, 660 and 570 would indicate that the credit bureau reporting the 570 score has incorrect information that needs to be corrected, as this low score could lower the consumer’s average credit score. It could also be the one used by an automobile dealer or other creditor, dramatically effecting the consumer’s terms.