Yorktown Education School

Direction5170 Village Creek Drive, Plano, TX, 75093

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At Yorktown, we want your child to have a fulfilling and inspiring life.So we take a dramatically different approach to their education.And it's working. Our students are averaging a CPA of 3.8 on a 4.0 scale in theri college classes and over $80,000 in college scholarships.Because our students are excelling at le ...Read more ↓

School Summary

Private School
Grade Span
5170 Village Creek Drive, Plano, TX, 75093
(972) 936-7988
School boundary map anomalies in street representation can and do occur, please contact the school directly using the number listed above.

Detail Information

School Information

Year Founded 2008
Student Body Co ed
Religious Affiliations Nonsectarian
School Memebership National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), Cognia, Educational Records Bureau
Total Teacher 15

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