Want to sell? Skip these 8 Upgrades.

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 Not all upgrades will pay off when you sell. Here are 8 renovations that are usually not worth your time and money, as you will never recoup what you spent.
1. Expensive lighting fixtures
Buyers won’t care how much your chandelier cost. Clean and simple will appeal to the masses. Just make sure all the lights are working.
2. Extensive Landscaping
While some curb appeal is always a plus when selling. Be careful not to get carried away with expensive plants and things that require a lot of maintenance.
Keep it simple. Think neat, clean and green.
3. The Latest Electronics
Don’t get caught up in the latest fad, unless it is something you can take with you. Technology changes quickly and any big installation could wind up being an obsolete eyesore when you are ready to sell.
4. A Chefs Kitchen
While you don’t want your home to look outdated, you don’t need state-of-the-art appliances, and outrageously expensive countertops. Buyers want fresh and clean. If they want lavish they usually want to choose it themselves.
5. A Wine Cellar
When selling you really need to appeal to as many potential buyers as possible. There are usually some things about your home that already limit your market. Be cautious about adding elements that will only appeal to certain groups. In this case the wine-enthusiast.
6. Trendy, Themed or Lavish Upgrades
If you are decorating for you, do whatever makes you happy but keep unusual and unique ideas for areas that can be easily changed when you want to sell, like paint and furnishings. Don’t go wild with flooring, and built in fixtures that costly to change. Try to stick to more universal options. If buyers can’t imagine how they would furnish and decorate the home they will never buy it.
7. Wall-to-Wall Carpeting
Many buyers don’t like carpeting. And although styles change, and most people don’t mind carpet in the bedrooms, keeping something like wood floors for the higher traffic areas will look newer longer.
8. Home Maintenance
Maintenance is part of home ownership. New roofs, HVAC, Appliances, plumbing and electrical may feel like upgrades when you are paying for them but they are seen by most buyers as routine necessary maintenance. While you may need to replace or repair something to be competitive when you sell, again, don’t go overboard. You don’t need a 50 year roof that you will never recoup your money on. These are items buyers can’t see.
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