Buyer Feedback

18403 Summerland Lake Way

Cypress, TX 77433 View on

Transaction Details

Congratulations to Sonam Chopra for receiving a 5 star from the Buyer on this transaction.
Survey On Mar 19, 2024

Transaction Rating


Buyer Comment

“The magical key of your new house is Sonam Chopra. By way of background, I am a first-time home buyer. I had no idea about the process whatsoever when I first started taking a look at homes, or what to expect throughout the process. The amount of effort and time Sonam has put into walking me through the process is unbelievable. From the first day that we met, she spent her entire evening walking me through the big picture. From there on out, she was always available to provide me with the information that I needed or didn t need but needed for the sake of my sanity every decision that I made, small or big, mattered to them. Not only did I feel like I had all the information I need to make those decisions, but I also felt like I was in good hands. Especially because, as a first-time buyer, I didn t know all of the right questions I should be asking and she would proactively provide this information, which made me feel like I was walking through this process with eyes wide open. From an expectations perspective, I don t know how Sonam Chopra does it and to the fault of everyone else I worked with She set my expectations really high and not unrealistically high because they would meet them. Obviously, making an informed decision is the most important part of buying a home. But personally, as being emotionally invested as well in buying a home, having someone who properly set, managed, and came through with: expectations was such a lifesaver and made me feel so at ease throughout the entire process. And on a related note, as a first-time home buyer, I m not sure what to expect, what s good bad, etc., and Sonam was always so candid and provided her own perspective of different aspects of each home that she thought would be relevant to my decision making based on what they had learned about me. I truly appreciated her input and relied on it heavily. I would strongly recommend Sonam Chopra to anyone looking to buy or sell a home.”

REALTOR® Rating Criteria

Clients are asked to rate their REALTOR® based on the service criteria below. Clients may rate their REALTOR® on how well they performed in each of the categories. This ratings model will allow a REALTOR®'s client to rate the REALTOR® using a star system, with 5 stars being the best rating possible. The Client Experience Rating system will then average the scores to determine an overall rating for the REALTOR®.


Explained the process clearly, ensured paperwork was correct, used technology efficiently, negotiated effectively, exhibited attention to detail, represented and protected my interests.


Understood my needs, gave me personal attention, made me feel valued as a client, was on time and prompt. I would recommend this REALTOR® to a friend or colleague.


Updated me regularly, responded in a timely manner, communicated with me in the way I wanted.

Market Knowledge

Exhibited knowledge of the real estate market, the neighborhood and community.

Sonam Chopra
  (832) 790-8562
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Home Journey Realtors, LLC
4025 Feather Lakes Way #5717,
Kingwood, TX 77325

Overall Rating

25 surveys
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Contact Agent
Sonam Chopra
Home Journey Realtors, LLC
(832) 790-8562