Representing the Buyer. Does the Buyer have to disclose inspection reports before asking for any repairs?

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Dec 06, 2021 Views6,467 Answer a Question

About 8 months ago
Robin! No ma'am, they do not HAVE to! However, most savvy listing agents will suggest to their client that if they are considering the repair of the item(s) for the buyer(s), then it would be ideal to see the proof of the item in question actually being deficient. A savvy listing agent might also ask that a buyer/buyers agent does NOT send the full report, but rather ONLY the items from the report that the buyer is asking to be repaired. Now, if the sellers do not plan to repair the items either way, then it would be best to simply say that the sellers don't wish to negotiate any further or do any repairs and leave it at that! Let me know if you have any further questions or need any other assistance! 346-412-6603
About 2 years ago
Because the circumstances of each transaction are unique there is no set protocol for sharing or not sharing the inspection report. A Buyer's Agent could send the request for repairs or adjustments w/o the report and discuss the items with Listing Agent, and seller can examine the areas in question themselves (it is their home and they can look at it themselves), and the parties may come to an agreement. Other times the Listing Agent will need the inspection report, or at the very least the pages that cite the deficiencies, to share with their selling clients before reaching a decision on how to proceed. It's important for the BA and the LA to take a moment to talk about the situation before sending over an inspection report. (Some sellers already know what their property needs, and in that case the request for a repair or other Amendment to the contract is no surprise)
About 2 years ago
I would never suggest my seller do any repairs without an inspection report. It validates from a 3rd party a repair is needed.
About 2 years ago
No, the buyer(s) are not obligated to share the inspection report with the seller(s). It is totally up to the buyer(s) discretion as to if the report will be shared with the listing agent/buyer(s). I suggest submitting a copy of the inspection report to the seller(s) and listing agent because the material defects revealed in the report would have to be disclosed to subsequent potential buyers.
About 2 years ago
Hi Robin, the buyer doesn't have to share the inspection report before asking for repairs but it's best to send the report or parts of the inspection report so the listing agent can share with the seller as a point of reference to support your requests for repairs. If you're not yet under contract and you're submitting your offer you can also request repairs o the 1-4 under property condition - section 7 D 2..without an inspection report. Good luck!
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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