I have mold on the ceiling in my rental.

Status: Open
Aug 10, 2018 Views1,619 Answer a Question

It was present when I moved in (over a year ago) and have told my Agent about the situation. He finally had someone (handyman) come and “fix” the roof, sprayed bleach, used Kilz, and painted. It retuned less than a month later. I informed him of the situation more than once (text and note), but still no response. What are my options?

Asked by
Home Safety
About 3 years ago
Where is this located? In your bathroom or another room? If it's the bathroom, it may be mildew or not. When you take a shower, you should be running your vent fan to remove moisture from the air. It has been recommended to me by several home inspectors that one should run their vent fan while showering and then for at least 30 minutes afterwards to eliminate moisture/mildew. This will help eliminate mildew in your shower and bathroom (including the walls and ceiling). It is very important to determine if there is a water source causing this mold or mildew or discoloration - it could be a roof or vent leak or pipe leak. So try to determine the source of the problem - it may be the simple fix of running your vent fan or it may be a leak of some sort and should be addressed immediately.
About 4 years ago
How do you know it's mold? You must be on the safe side get an inspector to come out. It's a must you never want over look what could be mold in your properties. It's best to find out before you get new tenants.


Anthony Taylor Realty
About 4 years ago
You can contact a mold remediation company and have them suggest what your options are.
Disclaimer: Answers provided are just opinions and should not be accepted as advice.
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