3 Renovations That Can Help You Sell Your Home Faster

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If you've decided to place your home on the market, you likely want it to sell as quickly as possible. Partially, this is for your own convenience. More importantly, though, the longer that a house sits on the market, the lower its final price tends to be. Therefore, before you list your home, you need to be sure it's ready to attract as much attention as possible.


A dated kitchen is one of the biggest turnoffs for potential homebuyers. A kitchen that's been renovated using quality materials often draws people in and causes them to overlook other potential flaws. Therefore, a kitchen renovation can be a great investment to make before you sell your home.

Quality finishes in the kitchen are crucial, as many buyers at all price points are looking for granite countertops (or something similar) and tile backsplashes. The cabinets should also be of decent quality and a neutral color that appeals to a wide range of people.


Since a roof is rarely seen except when you're coming and going, it might not seem like the best place to spend your renovation dollars; however, if you can state on your home's listing that the roof was recently replaced, you may gain more interest, potentially helping you to sell your home more quickly.

Be sure that the roofers you choose do a good job of sealing the roof cap and any protrusions, as you certainly don't want the next homeowners to be left with a leaky roof. Also, make sure that the color of the shingles matches the character of the home so buyers aren't turned off the moment they approach your house.


Moving back inside, a bathroom renovation is a great way to maximize the effectiveness of your remodeling budget. After all, no one wants to feel like they're living in someone else's grime.

A bathroom is one area where you can have a little fun with the renovation, adding unique features such as a tile tub surround or a designer light fixture that'll help your home stand out from others in your area. Again, quality installation is important here, as you don't want to put the future homeowners at risk of a major water leak.

Renovations can go a long way toward helping your home sell more quickly. Remember, it's important that you are disciplined in how you spend money on remodeling to be absolutely sure that you don't end up spending more than you get out of your home when you sell it.

By: Brooke Chaplan a freelance writer and blogger.

Categories: Home Selling
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