Cost of Rental prices & Cost of Home ownership are going up and who is to be blamed?

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1)The School System that creates additional bonds often if not yearly to deceive voters by implying that their kids will be better off with the moneys received by the new bonds. Instead they hoard money, they give principals and staff (Not Teachers) healthy increases. They keep the same buildings(Do not add infrastructure) and minimize expenses including hiring more teachers to improve the ratios between teacher/students. After the bond passes Home owners and Renters receive increases in taxes and prices of rentals go up. Do Not Forget The School System is receiving more taxes each new year more than the previous year already,but they are so greedy that create the need of a bond in addition to the increase. 2) The County Appraisal District once a year adjusts the value of the homes to recent sales at 100% regardless of the home construction if the home is 1 year old or 25 years old they all get adjusted at near 100%...This causes an increase of property taxes for Homeowners and for Renters too since investors need to pass the additional costs received by the county. 3) The Government programs for housing are not enough in Texas the Homestead exception is very low $$$ and does not help to save Homeowners from constant property tax increases. Other States have $50,000 minimum Home Owners exemptions(more than doubled the one that Texans received) and they cap the tax at a maximum of 3% per year among other things.The politicians owe it to Home owners and Renters to pass these increased values of exemptions of $50,000 and start improving home ownership affordability and / or to reduce Appraised Valuation in proportion of the year home was built(The price of a 25 year old home can not be the same as a 1 year old per square foot).
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