Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips

Halloween night is almost upon us! Don't let trick-or-treating be a spooky experience for you and your little ones. Here are a few tips from the blog series "Riddle Me This" to keep you safe as you get dressed up and venture out into your neighborhoods in search of sweet treats!

1. Plan your route in advance, that way if someone gets separated, they know where to meet 

2. Make sure costumes for kids allow them to see and be seen clearly, some reflective tape can go a long way in making sure they are safe when on roads with traffic. Try on costumes ahead of time to check length and fit

3. Small flashlights or glow sticks can be useful to help with visibility and to avoid tripping

4. Trick-or-treat with a group so there are more adults to help out

5. Avoid poorly lit streets, or unfamiliar neighborhoods

6. Leave the lights on at home, but close window coverings, the kids will move on if you don't answer right away, so don't make it obvious you aren't at home

7. Lastly, make sure kids know not to eat anything they receive until you have inspected it thoroughly. Throw out anything that isn't fully wrapped

If you are NOT going out and instead handing out treats or hosting for Halloween, here are some tips...

1. Make sure your home is free of obstacles, kids will be excited and moving quickly

2. Offer healthy snacks as an alternative to sugar-filled treats

3. Use LED candles instead of real flames

4. Post signs near street for drivers to be extra-cautious when driving by if there will be guests coming and going 

Avoid any scary surprises with these few tips, but most of all HAVE FUN and enjoy yourself! 

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