Crazy Market Today--Questions I'm asked....

Lately, homes are listed and sold by 3rd day on market.  Some are OP (option pending) by the time they hit the market.  My buyer clients are upset by this and dont get it!  Heres the deal---realtor offices have weekly meetings and talk about "coming listings" or "pocket listing's.  Those realtors have buyers and get a first chance, often seeing them prior to posting the listing online.  IF you get a good offer and if  the seller accepts it, the deal is done!  Another question I am getting---Arent sellers taking too low a price if it sells this quickly?  The possibility of that exists but overall, if the home was priced right, per the comparable homes that closed in that specific area within last 3-6 months, the quick sale is not because they priced too low----it is because there are not enough homes on the market and there are lots of buyers currently.   The buyers (and their realtors) are scanning the market for new listings many times a day.  When a new listing appears everyone makes an appt and some homes are seeing over 12 showings in a day---not unusual that an offer or sseveral would come in.   The  number of showings we see in a day currently on a new listing equates to a week or two in our previous market.    Bottom line,   if you are going to sell your home this year---now would be a good time to interview realtors.   The skill and experience of a savvy realtor will be in your best interest!
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