Turn Your AC Swale into a Water Garden

Almost everyone in Houston has some type of water run-off as part of their home landscape.  Some homeowners are lucky enough to have a French drain installed, and seldom see the results of the heavy rains.  But chances are that if you are reading this you are one of the many homeowners of a more recently constructed home that features a swale alongside one side of your lot; where AC condensation and the drainage from your gutter system is routed away from the foundation.

Create a Lush Garden in a Problem Area

Houston is known for humidity and that swale can become a very damp example of the effects of some of the torrential rains that come our way on a regular basis.  How about using that sometimes swampy or boggy area for a rain garden?  Face it; the grass seldom looks that great in the area anyway.  Building a garden around an area that is specifically designed to capture water will create a lush landscaped area that has the potential of attracting wildlife and pollinators such as butterflies and bees to your yard. 

Rain gardens can be a little tricky; they should not be constructed closer than ten feet of any foundation.  They might involve a little excavation to develop the depression so that the area can capture the rain. A rain garden should also maintain the drainage slope of the swale to prevent flooding and ensure water will not stand for more than 48-hours.  That’s the amount of time that mosquitoes need to breed.

There are Plenty of Resources Available

A chance link to an old Houston Chronicle article got me started and led to a link at the Texas A & M Bookstore for a free download on rain gardens. The Native Plant Society of Texas has additional information and links to further help you develop ideas.  Want to talk to an experienced realtor about great ways to present your home to potential buyers? Give Jason Gracey a call at 832-541-5060 will be glad to give you a hand with great ideas for marketing your home. 

Image courtesy of Toa55 from FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the HRIS.

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