Easy Steps to Better Home Security

Many homeowners have invested in security with an outside contractor. You haven’t ever needed them, but maybe you would like to take steps to make yourself and family safer.  There are some inexpensive, easy steps to take to increase the security and safety of your home.

Install good lock sets on your front, back and sliding doors. Keyed locks that are routinely found in homes do not supply adequate security.  Now that you have good locks installed, use them.

Lock your windows. Do you know if your windows are locked right now?  Go check them.

Light up the night. Good outdoor lighting at entries will go a long way in deterring a burglar. Motion sensor lights can also be used as part of a complete security system; but you might want to check with your HOA restrictions before you install them.

Trim you shrubs below the bottom window height. Most new homes come with a lovely hedge along the foundation of the home. Make sure that the shrubberies do not grow over the windows.

Check your garage door. Automatic garage doors can be jimmied. Use a large tie wrap to ‘lock’ the emergency release and prevent it from being opened from outside.  A quick video instruction is available at HouseLogic.

Keep the garage door locked when not in use.  A neighbor in our old neighborhood was robbed overnight when they left the garage door unlocked. They were lucky, they were upstairs asleep.

Conceal your trash. How often do you see large purchase containers perched alongside the trash cans on pick-up day? Break up large boxes and if necessary cut them to fit your trash can. Don’t be targeted by your trash.

Keep your yard work up. Overgrown lawns, uncollected mail, circulars and the neighborhood paper can point to a homeowner’s absence.

Take a moment to review your security, implement a couple of these steps and then take a moment to think like a burglar.  Hope these tips help to keep you and your family safe.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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